national bank of egypt branches in Villages Rd.

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Directory for phone numbers and addresses of national bank of egypt branches in Villages Rd.

Hurghada - Villages Rd. touristic passage in front of marlin inn azur resort

ATMs Banks

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Hurghada - El Kawther mohamed said st. lotus el gawhara compound near to sindbad aqua hotel & spa

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Hurghada - Villages Rd. touristic passage inside sindbad beach resort

ATMs Banks

Hurghada - Villages Rd. youssef afify st. touristic passage villa 2 beside kfc

ATMs Banks

Hurghada - Villages Rd. sheraton rd. el mohamedy howaidaq sq. in front of old vic village

ATMs Banks

Hurghada - Villages Rd. sindbad beach resort wall sheraton rd.touristic passage

ATMs Banks