el nokhba laboratories branches in Giza

Directory for phone numbers and addresses of el nokhba laboratories branches in Giza

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Get easily for el nokhba laboratories branches information in Giza

Laboratories Medical

Giza - Dokki
45 dokki st. floor 2 . above farghaly juice

Laboratories Medical

Giza - El Haram
29 s oasis rd. hadayek el ahram . inside al waha hospital

Laboratories Medical

Giza - Faisal
1 el mansheya st. intersection of kaabish st. floor 3 el tawabeq . above el shabrawy restaurant

Laboratories Medical

Giza - Imbaba
244 el sudan st. floor 2 . near to mobil gas stations

Laboratories Medical

Giza - Mohandeseen
21 el batal ahmed abdel aziz st. floor 2 . in front of delta insurance
Dalil 140

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