labmed egypt branches in Heliopolis

Directory for phone numbers and addresses of labmed egypt branches in Heliopolis

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Get easily for labmed egypt branches information in Heliopolis

Laboratories Medical

Cairo - Heliopolis
48 othman ibn affan st. ismaileya square . near to el salam shopping center

Laboratories Medical

Cairo - Heliopolis
66 b el khalifa el mamnoun st. mansheyet el bakry . in front of egyptian arab land bank

Laboratories Medical

Cairo - Heliopolis
147 el nozha st. saint fatima sq. saint fatima . in front of koshari keshta

Laboratories Medical

Cairo - Heliopolis
7 a farid semeika st. el alf maskan sq. el alf maskan . in front of el shams club

Laboratories Medical

Cairo - Heliopolis
18 el qobba st. roxy . beside adventists church
Dalil 140

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